The end of the Lady in White

There’s a legend that I’ve heard all my life, and one that scares more than one fellow from around here.
At night, as you drive down the road that goes from Villa Carmela to San Jose, the loneliness of the countryside is closely followed by two areas that sort of hug a good part of the road, turning it into a dark and scary tunnel. Legend has it that if you drive alone down that road at night, a lady dressed in white may appear in your back seat. So as not to let feat get the best of them, several of our fathers would keep their eyes glued on the road, and never look into the face of the beautiful lady in the rearview mirror.
A few days ago, while I was talking with the teachers of Cooperativismo Argentino school in Villa Carmela, I told them that this weekend we were going to finish up the work of lighting up that part of the highway. One of them said “It’s the end for the Lady in White”.
Electricity puts an end to ghost stories. People stop living in controlled environments; they become more urban, more free.

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